Keaveney, a 'lecturer' in Public Relations at Edge Hill University in Ormskirk, also emailed work colleagues in her desperate hunt for 'one of us'.

Blog for European Capital of Culture, 2008 - BANNED BY LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL
Lib Dem councillor Paul Twigger has 'jumped before he was pushed' after being caught using university facilities for the Lib Dem campaign in Knotty Ash.
Twigger has quit his job at Liverpool's John Moores University after being confronted with the evidence by Vice-Chancellor Michael Brown.
But Twigger now faces an internal Town Hall investigation after trying it on a second time - this time by using city council facilities!
Twigger first fired off thousands of letters to voters in Knotty Ash using the JMU postal franking machine - thus saving the Lib Dems a small fortune in stamps.
Unfortunately for him, an eagle-eyed Labour voter in Knotty Ash was amongst the first to receive one of the missives and noticed the JMU postmark on the envelope.
The public-spirited voter immediately alerted Labour Party officials who sent an official complaint to JMU (with a proper stamp, eds)
Twigger was hauled in front of Brown and, under questioning, admitted that he had used the JMU franking machine to send out election literature.
Of course, Twigger insisted that he had sent 'only a few letters' out to voters. (He would say that, wouldn't he? eds)
A chastened Twigger apologised after hurriedly submitting his resignation - before he could be suspended pending a full-scale disciplinary investigation by JMU.
But Twigger did not learn from this - and tried it on a second time. (Nothing if not consistent, eds)
After shoving envelopes through the JMU franking machine, he did exactly the same thing in the Lib Dem office at the Municipal Buildings with a city council franking machine!
Again, one of his Lib Dem letters, complete with city council franked envelope, was handed to Labour officials by a concerned voter.
Now an internal enquiry Town Hall enquiry has begun into Twigger abusing his position and mis-using council taxpayers money for the Lib Dem campaign.
None of which should come as a surprise to any of our loyal readers.
After all, the Lib Dems have spent the last decade mis-using council taxpayers money.
Posted by
Tony Parrish47
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Labels: Colin 'Cover up', ethics girl, Fireman Bradley, Storeyteller
We make the rules not follow them!
I am a bit shocked by this I have to admit.
Wondered how long it would be until she messed up?!
She wears white stilletto's as well, typical unethics girl.
Did you know in a recent job description the desired qualities to be a Liberal Democrat were vast and varied, one of the essential ones was the ability to preach to the electorate but never to follow those preachings.
Sort of like an evangalist preacher of the States.
Must be willing to tell huge lies and a strong will to decieve is an attractive plus, demonstrated in application and interview.
Desireable is bullshitting NVQ 4 or equivalent.
But not essetial as full training will be given.
Puppeteering advantagous but not essential as on the job experience with the master puppeteer will be available.
The Job Description is not exhaustive as anything could occur and often does.
At least 2 years
Good quiet chatting experience.
Applications available from Ethics Girl, call now for an informal quiet chat?
Bizzar I know!!!
I notice she didnt ask the Labour councillors to circulate the advert around THEIR mates
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