As all readers of Liverpool subCulture know, these are probably the most eagerly-awaited and celebrated awards in the entire blogosphere.

Self-styled scouse celebrities fight like cat and dog to get a nomination.
Others secretly brief the local media or leak confidential documents.
Some try to bribe the judges (usually unsuccessfully, but it rather depends on the nature of the bribe, eds).
A few, disgracefully, even try to vote more than once.
But then everyone forgets all the rivalries and gets dressed up to the nines for the glittering awards ceremony (which is normally held during 'grab a granny' night at the Grafton).

So please send us your nominations for The Tony's this year.
Awards include:
- Best Story
- Worst Cultural cock-up (this one is already heavily over-subscribed, eds)
- Best performance
- Most promising newcomer
- Most outrageous lie
- Best email
- Best kept secret
- Politician of the Year
- Biggest waste of money
- Legacy of 2008
- Top bullshitter
- Quote of the Year
- Biggest mistake
- One to watch
- Most dynamic duo
- Official follower of the original Tony Parrish (a special award in honour of our founder and patron, eds)
- The Rottweiller McElhinney's annual award for Corruption, Theft and Lies (sponsored by BT, eds)
- Photo of the Year
Any other award suggestions will be considered. Closing date for nominations: Midnight on Wednesday.
(And we will try to get around to revealing the winners by Christmas, eds)
Politician of the Year:
Cllr Joe Anderson
A real man of the people. The Labour leader has worked tenatiously throughout 2007, has a united team behind him and really has the LibDems on the run.
Anderson has surpassed expectations-he's torn strips of Warren Bradley in the Council Chamber and has made sure the LibDem incompetence has been expose at every opportunity.
With Joe Anderson as leader, Labour in Liverpool are back in business. A Labour Council in May 2008 is now a real possibility.
Cllr Beatrice Frankeal for standing up to Bradley and Storey!
I nominate Warren Bradley for two awards
"Most Untruthful Fireman" and
"Most Out of His Depth"
Most dynamic duo must surely be The Post and Echo?
I nominate Bradley for Quote of the Year: "I never met Lee Forde"
The Rottweiller McElhinney's annual award for Corruption, Theft and Lies
And the Winner is....
Jason Harborrow
I hereby nominate Ex-Councillor Richard 'Inspector Clueless' Marbrow for 'Biggest Mistake', on behalf of the electorate of Kensington and Fairfield.
After years of credulity voters realised his promises of One Stop Shops and New Deals had been hijacked by Marbrow's muckers in Liverpool Direct.
His masterminding of the losing Lib Dem election campaign deserves special commendation.
One to watch has got to be Hilton - after all he seems to have escaped scot free from the Mathew Street fiasco as well as protecting Hasitall and McElhinney from the forces of law and order. What's he going to manage next, for Christ's sake?
One's to watch-
There are a muber of rising stars in the Liverpool Labour Party!
The best email was Bradley's to Hilton demanding Jason be relieved of his duties (immediately). That was 136 days ago, approximately.
I second Father Time's nomination and would also like to nominate Councillor Bradley for
"most can do achiever"
and Chief Executive Hilton for
"Best Coverer up"
One to watch has got to be City Talk - wonder if they will also sack Larry Neild if he annoys Bradley?
Best Story has just got to be The Lee Forde secret Wavertree meeting.
Worst Cultural cock up- who ever agreed to give Liverpool the capital of culture status.
Best Performance Bradley telling everyone he did not meet with Forde.
Most promising newcomer- no-one
Most outrageous lie, any lib dem that tells the electorate they will serve the city of Liverpool if elected.
Best email.. Colin Hilton to Joe Anderson, denying knowledge of Lee Forde meeting saga.
Best kept secret- not telling you.
Politician of the year- no one,
Biggest waste of money- Lib dems wages.
Legacy of 2008- we now owe millions.
Top bullshitter- Donald and Bradley joint winners.
Quote of the year from Bradley, What meeting?
Biggest mistake- Lib dems existance.
One to watch- this blog
Most dynamic duo- Me and my dog
Official follower of Tony Parrish- its just got to be me!
The rotweiller award for corruption and lies- Mike Storey
Photo of the year- My bum
best quote:-Council leader Warren Bradley said that some individual councillors’ behaviour was “appalling” and not fitting of a democratic society.
One to Watch: Bradley's back
Best picture is the one of Bradley and the Queen on Liverpool Confidential.
Quote of The (Last) Year
"It will take a Russian Winter to stop the Edge Lane Project going ahead in 2007" - Cllr Warren 'I never!' Bradley.
Step forward disabled grandmother Elizabeth Pascoe...
Best Actor ... Fireman Bradley for 'Lee requested to meet me'
Best supporting sctor ... Fireman Bradley for 'Storey 2: Return of the backstabbers'
Best director ... 'Diamond' Mike Storey for 'You all know I'm really running this show'
Best makeup ... Colin Hiltom for 'The Mathew Street report'
All the Lib Dems for being the doziest wastes of space and total failure that ever there could be
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