The third thing FD-LLM have done is stage events and exhibitions at the party conferences. (Basically they have been organising glorified piss-ups, eds).
Blog for European Capital of Culture, 2008 - BANNED BY LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL
Lib Dem councillor Paul Twigger has 'jumped before he was pushed' after being caught using university facilities for the Lib Dem campaign in Knotty Ash.
Twigger has quit his job at Liverpool's John Moores University after being confronted with the evidence by Vice-Chancellor Michael Brown.
But Twigger now faces an internal Town Hall investigation after trying it on a second time - this time by using city council facilities!
Twigger first fired off thousands of letters to voters in Knotty Ash using the JMU postal franking machine - thus saving the Lib Dems a small fortune in stamps.
Unfortunately for him, an eagle-eyed Labour voter in Knotty Ash was amongst the first to receive one of the missives and noticed the JMU postmark on the envelope.
The public-spirited voter immediately alerted Labour Party officials who sent an official complaint to JMU (with a proper stamp, eds)
Twigger was hauled in front of Brown and, under questioning, admitted that he had used the JMU franking machine to send out election literature.
Of course, Twigger insisted that he had sent 'only a few letters' out to voters. (He would say that, wouldn't he? eds)
A chastened Twigger apologised after hurriedly submitting his resignation - before he could be suspended pending a full-scale disciplinary investigation by JMU.
But Twigger did not learn from this - and tried it on a second time. (Nothing if not consistent, eds)
After shoving envelopes through the JMU franking machine, he did exactly the same thing in the Lib Dem office at the Municipal Buildings with a city council franking machine!
Again, one of his Lib Dem letters, complete with city council franked envelope, was handed to Labour officials by a concerned voter.
Now an internal enquiry Town Hall enquiry has begun into Twigger abusing his position and mis-using council taxpayers money for the Lib Dem campaign.
None of which should come as a surprise to any of our loyal readers.
After all, the Lib Dems have spent the last decade mis-using council taxpayers money.
Posted by
Professor Chucklebutty
Friday, October 19, 2007
Labels: Colin 'Cover up', Donald Bullshitter, Fireman Bradley, the city council couldn't run a piss-up in a brewery, The Harbarrowboy
How were this lot selected then, Tonys? and by whom?
This is utterly obscene. I hope they have now been sacked by the Culture Company and Redmond - or is he using them to curry favour with the Government and advance his Mayor for Liverpool campaign?
isn't it just. I reckon that donaldson has so far cost the city half a million - 250 grand on the stupid salthouse dock scheme and now 320 grand for a PR waste. he should be sacked too!
This was brought up by the Labour Party in full council on Wednesday, Bradley went a weird shade of pink/red and his hair literally was sticking up in the air, (that's how close I was to you Warren!), he fumbled and mumbled and he was so irrelevant in his response I can't even remember his lie this time round.
He has no idea what is going on, he is totally out of his league and this is one fire he needs to run away from.
Well the City Council should at least save on the £100,000 or so earmarked this year for performance related pay for Crapitall of Culture directors. Surely the council won't be paying out any PRP to this lot after all the fiascos and public waste of money that they have presided over?
This money could be put to better use, it would have paid the wages for the 300+ home carers that are now facing redundancy!
What the papers never catch on to is the services that are being cut left right and centre to fund these faceless none Liverpool suits.
If performance related pay ceased, we could pay enough home carers to free up beds in hospital, it could fund keeping a day centre open and a care home running!
There none performance in these services does not seem to matter, the people of Liverpool are being ripped off by these people and the big suits in the council and it has to stop!
Colin nice but wet cover up surely you cant cover this up can you - do you really have such contempt for your citizens as this?
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